María, 6 de octubre, 2015

Familia S.L.

De paseo por la red a instancias de iHim me he encontrado con ESTA JOYA. Un artículo de Bruce Feiler en el WSJ titulado «Family Inc.» o “Run your family like a business”. Habla de llevar la casa como un negocio, de repartir tareas, de reformular el reparto de las responsabilidades, de trabajar en equipo, de reunirse oficialmente en la cocina con iHim y los iKids, de crear familias adaptables y adaptativas, de fomentar valores.

Dice cosas que deberían ser LEY UNIVERSAL:

  • WSJpage«A new generation of parents is taking solutions from the workplace and transferring them to the home«. 
  • Quote from a mom: «I was trying the whole ‘love them and everything will work out’ philosophy,’ she said, ‘but it wasn’t working. ‘For the love of God,’ I finally said, ‘I can’t take this any more.'».
  • Quote from a dad: «Having weekly family meetings increased communication, improved productivity, lowered stress and made everyone much happier to be part of the family team.»
  • «Empower the children. The key to the meetings is to let the kids pick their own rewards and punishments».
  • «The past few years have seen a rapid erosion of the wall that once divided work and family. New technologies allow busy employees to check in with one another during ‘family time’ and allow busy parents to interact with their kids during ‘work time'».
  • «Surveys show that both parents and children list stress as their No. 1 concern. A chief source of that stress is change. Just as kids stop teething, they start throwing tantrums; just as they stop needing us to give them a bath, they need our help dealing with online hazing. No wonder psychologist Salvador Minuchin said that the most important characteristic of families is being ‘rapidly adaptable'».
  • «Parents aren’t invincible. Our instinct as parents is to build ourselves up, but abundant research shows that this type of top-down leadership is not the best model. Effective teams aren’t dominated by a single leader; all members contribute«.
  • «Build in flexibility. Parents often create a few overarching rules and stick to them. This assumes we can anticipate every problem. We can’t. The agile family philosophy embraces the ever-changing nature of families today and builds in a system to adapt to each new phase».
  • «Parents should spend less time worrying about what they do wrong and more time focusing on what they do right».

brucefeilerEl artículo del WSJ está basado en el libro de Feiler «The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More»Os ruego encarecidamente que lo leáis. Es probable que os cambie la vida. Conmigo ha pasado. 

En fin, que podría seguir citando frases del texto. Pero lo plagiaría entero. El caso es que me quedo con todo lo que sugiere.



Autor: María

Publicado: 6 de octubre, 2015

Categorías: Family&TechTalks, Mothernity, Noticias, Estudios, Libros & Videos

Etiquetas: Libros, Mothernity

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